Sunday, 13 February 2011

Art Therapy

I think I may have mentioned in a previous post that after my tutorial with Jim I realised what I really want to do (and have for quite some time wanted) was to get into art therapy.
When asked what am I good at? by Jim, I shrugged out the answer: helping people..looking after people and to my surprise he said: Yes.
It never occured to me that my automatic reactions to defend and protect people might count as a skill. Let alone a skill I could use after uni' in a professional environment.

Anyways I'm looking into trying to find an art therapy's not going so well, if anyone knows where I should be looking (bar volunteer scotland) please let me know. Also after my trauma rant I've decided to look up artist that use trauma in their art in one way or another. I'll post some links.

Everyone who was in my 2nd year class probably know I've already used my trauma in 'my art' but perhaps it is possible for me to take it a step further.
This woman (Toni Quest) was in a head on car collision and used painting as a way to help her heal in the aftermath.
I've only skim read the above artical about using drawing as intervention with child trauma cases but it's still pretty interesting.
This is really interesting, it's war veterans turning their uniform into paper and then art. It makes me want to do stuff with old broken cars.

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